
So why Emotional Photography?

I just started putting myself out there as a professional photographer and as I was showing my work to a new client she said something that set me back a few steps. “Your photos have something in them that I don’t see in other photographers work. I can’t put it in words but its there”. Well you can imagine what could be going through my mind at that time… Is she just saying that to be nice? Could I ever be as good as everyone else? What could my photos have that the others don’t? Then it hits me. For the last 10 years or so I have been working with people in some of the most trying times of their lives. I have also documented their events through paperwork and photography. In the last few years I have been taking the empathy I have gained for the average person and used it to tell their stories to the public through news gathering. As I looked down at the photos she had said that had something I catch myself saying to her, they have emotion.
This conversation happened just yesterday and today I have decided to really take this on as a challenge. My challenge… Make every photo portray emotion. Yes, before anyone says every photo should have emotion as well as many other attributes, I am going to explore how I can convey different emotions in my photos using every tool in my budding career as a photographer. Wish me luck… I think I’m going to need it.

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