
Top 5 Photography Tips and Tricks

Here are my top five photography tips and tricks that I have learned in the past year.
  1. Always keep a camera with you at all times. I can't tell you how many times I have been places and I kick myself wishing I would have a camera with me. So what is better getting a great shot with a camera phone or maybe not getting the shot at all because you don't have a professional camera with you? Not only do I have a camera on my phone, but I carry with me a very good point and shoot camera that is waterproof and drop proof from Nikon. 
  2. You need to decide on what you want to focus on before you take the picture. If you want to show someone having fun, then show their face more than what they are doing. This will add to the emotions in your picture. If you are taking a scenic picture than have the picture of the scenery. Mixing people in scenic photography usually doesn't work unless you have more tricks up your sleeve.
  3. Extreme brightness and dark shadows are your enemies. Bright bright photographs usually end up with blown out parts in it. Low light situations usually end up with a lot of graininess and blurry pictures. Your best bet is to find lighting in the middle, not too bright not too dark.
  4. One photograph is never enough. When taking a photograph of one subject like a person sitting on a bench for example, one photograph is not enough. Changing angles and distance from the subject will dramatically change the feeling and look of your photographs. 
  5. Iraq 2010
  6. My last tip is, think before you click. The more you think before you take the picture the less you will need to edit afterwards and you will get a better shot too. 
Thanks for reading I will have more tips and tricks as I come across them to share with you, my wonderful blog readers.


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