
Higher Education

Higher education is something that I thought I could never do nor did I ever think I really needed it. Now with the economy the way its going and no end in sight I want to take my skills to another level and the way I am going to achieve this is going back to school. The military has taught me that now one is indispensable and there is always someone that can take your place and maybe they could even do a better job. Starting out on my own and wanting to make my passion in to a business this scenario is not an option for me. I want to be the best photographer I can be and that means going to school and challenging myself to do better. I want to provide the best photographs I can to my clients. I want to over deliver, over achieve, and do it at a price that I can live on and allow everyone not just people with means great photographs that help tell their stories.

Labeling yourself as a professional photographer means to me saying to the world that you are educated in not just the fundamentals but in advanced techniques and have a personal style that others can try and emulate but may never achieve. I feel that I have a good grasp on the fundamentals and I defiantly have a style but I want to challenge my self and prove that I can do some of the more advanced photography like you see in magazines and art books. Going back to school will force me to practice these skills and I’m sure I will need to change some of my ways of doing things so I can achieve a more telling story through my work. I know there are a lot of great well knows photographers out there that have never went to a photography school and they are working on pure talent but they are few. Every career field has these people and I’m ok with that. But I just need a little kick-start. I have always been the type of person that could never take the next step unless I was completely confident in every aspect of it. Some day I will call myself a professional, but until then… I’m just a passionate photographer that wants to tell a story.

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